Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Moral Guidelines



Have we lost our way?  

President Joe Biden seems impervious to the criticism that sending arms to Israel resulting in massive killings is wrong.  Candidate and former President Donald Trump is without shame with the revelation of his sexual crimes. His business dealings even violate capitalist norms. Both men have millions of followers.  
Thomas Friedman says we’ve lost our moorings as a society. (“How We’ve Lost Our Moorings as a Society” May 28, 2024, New York Times)

But what about the ancient Decalogue, the ten commandments? The spring festival of Shavous celebrates God giving the Law to the Hebrews.  Is this just ritual?

The Law states: “You shall not kill; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or your neighbor’s goods.”  Have we dismissed the Decalogue?  Are we pursuing the idolatry of the Golden Calf?  (Ex. 32:19)  

As a nation, our Golden Calf is power and money.

1 comment:

  1. It appears we are pursuing the Golden Calf of power and money.
